The Book of Leviticus

1. The Book:
Leviticus is a guidebook showing how to worship, serve, and obey a Holy God.
Leviticus gets its name from the Levites - the priests - derived from the Greek Title "That which pertains to the Levites".
2. The Main Focus: We will find given instructions and regulations fro worship used to guide this newly redeemed people. "Holiness" is the key word.
Leviticus centers around Gods Holiness, and show how an unholy people can acceptable approach him, and then remain in continued fellowship.
A. Blood Sacrifice - the way to God
B. Obedience to His Law - remain in fellowship or walk with God.
3. Thus we conclude the two major sections:
1. Sacrifice Chapters 1-17 2. Sanctification Chapters 18-27
NOTE: The central theme is "Fellowship". In the first section we find God's foundation for fellowship - while the second division shows man's condition of fellowship.
1 John 1:6-7


When in Fellowship:  The Burnt Offering Chapter 1 = NON SWEET SAVOR The Meat Offering Chapter 2 = VOLUNTARY The Peace Offering Chapter 3
When Out of Fellowship:  The Sin Offering Chapter 4 = NON SWEET SAVOR The Trespass Offering Chapter 5 = COMPULSORY
1. The Burnt Offering - This foreshadows the willingness of Christ to offer himself as a perfect sacrifice without spot or blemish. Hebrew 9:14
2. The Meat Offering - Exhibits a sinless yet human life that Christ would offer.
Hebrews 2:17-18

3. The Peace Offering - A figure of the fellowship believers have with God through the work of the Cross.
4. The Sin Offering - Pictures Christ as the sin bearer - "Made sin for us". II Cor. 5:21.
5. The Trespass Offering - Pictures Christ's payment for the damage of sin.  II Cor. 5:19
Chapters 6 & 7 contain the Laws for the Administering these offerings.
A. The Consecration of the Priests - Chapter 8
The High Priest The Other Priests Aaron (His Sons) Cleansed - Verse 6 Cleansed - Verse 6 Clothed - Verse 7-8 Clothed - Verse 13 Crowned - Verse 9 Charged - Verse 35 Anointed - Verse 12 Anointed - Verse 30
NOTE: Aaron anointed before the Blood Sacrifice - Verse 12. His Sons anointed after the Blood Sacrifice - Verse 30. The Offerings and the blood of consecration - Verse 14-24.

Hebrews 9:11-15

B. "The first offerings of Aaron" - Chapter 9 v. 23 "The Glory of the Lord appeared" v. 24
C. The sin of Nadab and Abihu - Chapter 10 v. 1 "Offered strange fire" v. 2
General Observation - God appointed certain men to the respectful position of service, rather than they by their own desires decide to hold such offices. So it is today, God calls or impresses men to preach and by his spiritual direction of leadership the church fills the offices of Pastor and Deacon.
7. The People - Chapters 11-15 Gods people must be a clean people: Clean food - Chapter 11 Clean bodies - Chapter 12 Clean clothes - Chapter 13 Clean Houses - Chapter 14 Clean Contacts - Chapter 15
8. The Great Day of Atonement - Chapter 16 In order to understand the Book of Hebrews (N.T.) it is good to have a full understanding of this important day. For it was reckoned by them as the very heart and citadel of their law. When the High Priest entered the most Holy Place to offer a blood sacrifice on the alter to make the atonement for all sins and (2) redemption from Satan's power.
The festivals were all joyous, but on this day the people must fast and afflict their souls. It must be a day of broken hearts and penitence or they must be cut off from the people. Two goats as sin offerings. Both for the sins of the people confessed on their heads; both are presented before the Lord.
(1) Redemption toward God (2) Redemption from Satan
Lots were cast determining one for Jehobah and the other for Azazel. The two goats are ideally one. N. T. antitype: Christ is the sacrifice for sin represented by the goat that died unto God; Christ is the living goat that meets Satan in his realm and triumphs over him.
Hebrews 10:10-12

9. The Altar - Chapter 17  Laws concerning the location of Sacrifices Verses 1-9. The meaning is clear. There is only one place where God meets sinful man - The Cross, which the altar at the door of the Tabernacle was a type.
Romans 3:23-25

(A propitiation means Mercy Seat)
Laws concerning the use of Blood v. 10-16. Note v. 11. It is the Blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.
Hebrews 9:13-14

So, in the first part we have the fact that through the blood of Calvary's Lamb, and nothing else, we find our way to God.

The Walk With God - Sanctification Chapters 18-27 (Second Division of the Book)
1. A Holy People - Chapters 18-20 Set apart people concerning Laws of sexual sin. (Chapter 18)2. Holy Priests - Chapters 21-22 Only the Levites.3. Holy Feasts - Chapter 23 A. The Feasts of Passover - verses 5-14. This feast celebrated Israel's redemption from death and bondage in Egypt.
I Corinthians 5:7

B. The Feast of Unleavened Bread - verses 6-8. This followed immediately after Passover and is often counted as a part of the Passover (which lasted one day) while this feast lasted seven days.
II Corinthians 5:8

I Corinthians 11:23-26

(The Lords Supper done in remembrance of our passover)

C. Feasts of First Fruits - verses 9-14. This feast was the beginning of Harvest, the day after the Sabbath.
I Corinthians 15:20-23   James 1:18
D. Feasts of Pentecost - verses 15-22. The word Pentecost derives from the Greek for "The Fiftieth Day", which fell on the 50th day after the Feast of First Fruits or Passover. It was on this day the church Jesus set up in his ministry was empowered by the Holy Ghost 50 days from his death.
Acts 2:1

The 50 days between Passover and Pentecost was their time of harvest closing with a special day of thankfulness for the abundance (Pentecost)
E. Feast of Trumpets - verse 23-25. This was New Years Day for Israel. It was a special Sabbath in the seventh month.
F. The Day of Atonement - verse 26-32. The greatest day for Israel because on this day her sins were brought before the Lord.
Hebrews 9:11-14

G. The Feast of Tabernacles - verses 33-44. Its design was partly to give thanks for the fruits of the earth gathered in (v.39). But chiefly commemorated the dwelling in booths or tents while in the wilderness (v. 43).
Zechariah 14:16-20

4. A Holy Land - Chapter 25-27  Thirty times we find reference to "the Land" in this section.
A. The key to the 7th year Sabbath is the word "rest" 25:4  Rest for the Land - verse 4 Rest from Toil - verses 5-6
Hebrews 4:9

B. They key to the year of Jubilee - (50th year) is the word "Liberty" - 25:10. This year brought liberty to property, the land, and the servant - Chapter 25.
C. The Law of the Land - Chapter 26 Conditional - Verses 1-13 The results of obedience v. 12
Warning from God - Verses 14-31 Scattering of Israel if disobedient - verses 32-39.
Galatians 6:7

D. Everything is God's - Chapter 27 Note Voluntary consecration and tithing.
1. What are the two main divisions in Leviticus?
2. Explain the Day of Atonement.
3. Name the 5 offerings.
4. What does Pentecost mean?
Assignment for nest week:
Read the book of Numbers (6 Chapters per day)  Review notes of Leviticus